Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Reminder of Family Literacy Night

Family Literacy Night
Thursday, November 16th
6:30 p.m.
Learn about the reading strategies your child can use at home!
You get all this:

A Packet with games to practice strategies
Laminated book marks
Colorful plastic “gems” to mark your book marks
An entire Family Literacy Package
·         A game board with spinner and pawns!
·         4 books        
·         115 letter pieces
·         10 ask and answer question sticks!
·         1 minute sand timer!
·         20 sight-word game cards!
·         Activity book with 15 different activites!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Family Literacy Night November 16th

Mark Your Calendars!

Thursday, November 16th, 2017 at 6:30 pm
Family Literacy Night
for all families and students in the 
Title 1 Reading Program

Come learn and practice how to help your child read at home using reading strategies.

Give a-ways!
Look for more information coming your way! 

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Open House

Our UMS Open House is Thursday, October 5th at 6:30 pm-7:30 pm
Please stop in to the Title 1 room.
I will have information for you on our program and on the upcoming workshop in November.
There is also a goody bag for your child.
I hope to see you there!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Title 1 Reading Summer News

Summer Subscription to Lexia Core 5

Your child has a subscription to Lexia Core 5 that continues through the summer.
I HIGHLY encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful program this summer in addition to reading together.

Students who do Lexia Core 5 consistently have markedly higher reading skills than students who do not! (Especially if the area of difficulty is in the area of phonics.)

To access Lexia on-line:
Ø -Go to www.lexiacore5.com
Ø  You need to sign in to a teacher’s account: My username is lynn.mazza@colchestersd.org.  My password is April20
Ø -Your child’s username is their first and last name, no caps or spaces (eg.johnsmith)  Their password is their first name only (eg. john)
To access Lexia through a tablet or device:
Ø Download the free app through the app store
ØSet it up the same way as the website: Put in my username and password
Ø  --Your child’s username and password is the same as using the website

All students will be taking home their poetry books and word study books this week. Please look for these in your child’s backpack, and encourage them to read the poetry to you.

Have a great summer! Happy Reading!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Groups News

As we settle into spring, our Title 1 literacy groups have become very specific.  We work  hard on trying to fill in any missing knowledge students may be missing before they move on to the next grade. Through close conversations with the classroom teacher, as well as notes taken when students read, the instruction is now very specific to individual needs of each student. Even though we always strive to teach what students need, at this time of year the focus almost becomes hyper-focused on what students still need to learn.

As the weather gets warmer, please remember to read, read, read. You don't get to the Olympics in your sport, or the VSO with your instrument by only practicing once in a while. It is the same way with reading. There is only one way to get better at reading, and it is very simple. Lots of practice!

Check out the link below to find some new books about spring that might pique your child's interest!

Happy Spring!
The best spring books for kids


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

New Groups, Conferences, and Reading Challenge

February has been a busy month in Title 1!

Due to assessments, groups have shifted. If you child will be having any changes to their services, you will be receiving a note. If you hear nothing then you can rest assured your child's Title 1 reading group has had little to no change.

Parent/teacher conferences are on the Monday and Tuesday that we come back from vacation. Due to a class I am taking, I will be at UMS those two days. You can expect to see detailed progress reports go home from Title 1 in their report cards. Please let me know if you wish to schedule a conference with me after meeting with your classroom teacher.

Title 1 is sponsoring a Reading Challenge over February Break. Your child will be bringing home a reading log where they should cut and paste attached "marshmallows" or draw their own marshmallows on the hot cocoa mug. Each marshmallow equals 10 minutes of reading. Once they bring the reading log (paper hot cocoa mug) back to school on the Wednesday or Thursday we get back, they will get to put a real marshmallow in their classroom jug. We will then combine all of the classroom jugs into a large school jug to see if we can fill it. If we can (which equates to half of the students in school reading over vacation,) we will have a school wide celebration. You'll see these reading logs this Friday.

Have a great break!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Happy New Year!

Wow! Time flies! We have been so busy working hard at reading, that I haven't taken the time to post on this blog in a long time. For that, I apologize!

First grade has been very busy learning about short vowels, blends, and diagraphs. Blends and diagraphs are those beginning consonant sounds that can occur at the beginning of words such as "tr" in "truck" or "cl" in "clock." Diagraphs are also knows in school as the "h" brothers. This includes "ch, sh, and th" like in the words "chick, wish, and this." It's tricky learning all about these different letter combinations!
Why is this important? You need to understand how words work in order to read them! Many people think the English language is very hard to learn, but in actuality, there are more patterns and rules than exceptions. Learning these can be the key to unlocking reading!

In second grade, we've upped the ante by discussing all long vowel patterns including magic "e" words as vowel teams (such as "ea" in "team.") These changes make the vowels say their long sound. We've also spent a lot of time discussing syllable types and how to break words down.
Why is this important? Believe it or not, once you learn the seven syllable types (closed syllables show us the vowel is short like in the word "cat", and both the magic e ad vowel team syllable tell us the vowel sound is long....we have learned 3 of the 7 syllable types so far,) and how to break a word apart, you can read almost any word in the English language! Of course, we're also introducing prefixes and suffixes (which have Latin and Greek origin,) but with yearly exposure to all of these things, there is no word in the English language you can't read and understand! Really! It's true! As students learn this, they can read anything someday!

Both first and second grade students are reading non-fiction text, and working on finding the main idea, as well as comparing and contrasting two books on the same subject (eg. sharks.)
Why is this important? It's not enough to be able to read the words, but you also have to understand the author's message and be able to think critically about what you're reading. This is just the beginning of the reading journey!