Title 1 Reading
Summer News
Subscription to Lexia
Core 5
Your child has a subscription to Lexia Core 5 that continues through
the summer.
I HIGHLY encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful program this
summer in addition to reading together.
Students who do Lexia Core 5
consistently have markedly higher reading skills than students who do not!
(Especially if the area of difficulty is in the area of phonics.)
To access Lexia on-line:
Ø -Go to www.lexiacore5.com
Ø You need to sign in to a teacher’s account: My username is lynn.mazza@colchestersd.org.
My password is April20
Ø -Your child’s username is their first and
last name, no caps or spaces (eg.johnsmith) Their password is their first name only (eg.
To access Lexia
through a tablet or device:
Ø Download the free app through the app store
ØSet it up the same way as the website: Put in my username and password
Ø --Your child’s username and password is the same as using the website
All students will be taking home their poetry books and word study books
this week. Please look for these in your child’s backpack, and encourage them
to read the poetry to you.
a great summer! Happy Reading!