Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Reading with a Wiggly Reader!

Time is precious! But yet we know that reading WITH and TO your child is the only way to grow readers!
At this age we know children need to MOVE! So how can you read to your wiggly child? Here are some ideas from Family Fun Magazine.

1.) If you are reading a book where a word is repeated often, (like Brown Bear, Brown Bear), have your child jump up and stretch every time they hear the word. This helps them focus on the text you OR THEY are reading while allowing them to move.
2.) Read to your child while they are already involved in another activity (such as taking a bath or eating breakfast.) Since they are already moving, exposing them to stories during this time keeps them engaged.
3.) Allow them to use what we call in school "fidgets." These are small objects they can play with while sitting with you. Some great examples are koosh balls, a few Legos, or even Playdo.

Let them wiggle while you read to them, or even let them stand and move while they read to you.
The most important thing is READ, READ, READ, READ!

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